"My Breasts"

Monique Belmer

A nuisance, unwanted, unnoticed.
My tender tidbits chafed in the
necessary but torturous trainers.
Contraptions crying out to be snapped like giant rubber bands
- in frequencies only heard by boys.
You were often a bother
- yet sheathed in mysterious promise.
Sexuality and instinct embodied in orbs
Femininity delivered.

Supple, silky, pink as posies.
You begged for attention with flirts and jiggles.
Gazes fluttered about like moths drawn to radiance.
You've known the caress of a lover's breath
- searing and moist.
You've yearned and ached for a touch to launch my libido.
Electric sparks that sizzled
- like heat lightning in the dark.
You knew the throb, the pang and the fulfillment.
Womanhood delivered.

Now you're older and wiser
Maybe just older.
You've sustained those dearest to me

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